Wednesday, October 17, 2007

To Be More Specific...

The issue of racism and how it affects our country today is a huge one. There are so many different, and smaller pieces of the great puzzle that can be discussed and there is no way possible for me to even begin to touch on all of the aspects. In order to be as specific as possible, I would like to focus specifically on the effect that racism is having on today's American youth and how it manifests itself in negative ways such as violence. I would like to focus more one what goes on in the school systems when certain acts that are fueled by racism take place. Because racism is such a hard issue to pinpoint in certain cases, I would like to further research what some school systems and even the judicial system use as standards to judge what crimes could have been potentially fueled by racism. I feel that racism in the youth and young adults of today had to come from some aspects of what they were taught as children. I would like to further explore what experiences shape someone to hate another race so deeply.

1 comment:

Robert Marley said...

Racism developing into violence has historically declined since the civil rights movements of the fifties and sixties. There will always be racism, so its better to accept that fact. The US as a nation can only recognize that racially motivated crimes have decreased due to an increase in tolerance and acceptance that has developed from growth in character by the nation as a whole.