Monday, November 5, 2007

Class Links

The main purpose of this blog, in the beginning, was to fulfill a requirement for and English class. Because each student was instructed to create his or her own blog on a subject that he or she felt strongly about, I would like to take this post to recommend that you read the blogs of three of my classmates. These blogs do a particularly good job of addressing both sides of their argument and expressing their opinion with valid support.

Heatin' it Up- This blog addresses the many effects that global warming has on this country both politically and personally. The blog addresses how global warming will have an effect on the environment and the inhabitants of the environment while giving a clear analysis on the attempts that have been made to address the issue and how and why these attempts have failed.

The Abortion Debate
- This blog does a thorough job of not only addressing the sides to the debate on abortion, but it also provides background information which allows the reader to gain knowledge on both sides of the argument. The blog gives information on the debate about when life begins and under what conditions abortion may be considered murder.

Alcohol 101- This blog shows its support for the lowering of the drinking age to 18. The blog does a thorough job of gathering support for why the drinking age should be lowered by using logical arguments. The blog also addresses the opposite side of the argument by giving the example of a MADD. The blog addresses that drunk driving is an issue and gives a solution to help eliminate it.

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